Safety Management Plan For Club Sailing Activities
PDYC Safety Management Plan addresses the issues of health and safety and demonstrates an understanding of the duty of care to all workers, contractors, participants and the general public in respect to club organized sailing activities.
The Safety Management Plan can be read in full using the following link;
Event Postponement
In the interest of competitor safety Port Douglas Yacht Club sailing activities shall be postponed or amended in the event a strong wind warning (26 – 33 knots) or greater is current for Cairns Coastal waters, Cape Tribulation to Cardwell.
The rules for postponement of sailing events applies to all PDYC organized sailing events on the club sailing calendar including Wednesday sunset sailing (WAGS), but excluding Port Douglas Race Week which shall be under the control of the event Race Officer.
In the event a strong wind warning or greater is current for any period that a club organised sailing event is scheduled then; If a race that race shall be postponed. If WAGS the course shall be restricted to Dickson Inlet and Packers Creek only.
A postponed race may be rescheduled or abandoned at the discretion of the Sailing Committee.
The safety requirements of Yachting Australia Special Regulations Part 1, Category 6 applies to all PDYC sailing events unless stated otherwise in the Notice of Race.
Yachting Australia Special Regulations
Events may be classed either Cat 5 or Cat 6 so be sure to check the Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions to make sure you comply before entering an event.
All skippers are urged to download the audit forms below, and submit the completed audit to the sailing committee.